Meet Your Warrenvile Orthodontist

orthodontist wheaton il

Kaleem Razi, MSD

Expert orthodontist Dr. Kaleem Razi attended the University of Pennsylvania for dental school, where he received numerous honors for his academic excellence.

He completed his orthodontic residency at the University of Louisville while receiving a Master of Science degree in Dentistry for his research in smile esthetics.


Dr. Razi is always looking for ways to improve the quality of care and experience for your family at Razi Orthodontics by utilizing the latest technology available in orthodontics.

That’s why he’s an active member of:

  • American Association of Orthodontists
  • Illinois Society of Orthodontists
  • Midwestern Society of Orthodontists

How Do Orthodontists and Dentists Differ?

While orthodontists and dentists have similar backgrounds, the two professions are actually quite different. In fact, all orthodontist are trained as dentists first, but in addition to completing dental school to become a dentist, orthodontists continue their education for a few additional years to earn the license and certification necessary to be considered an orthodontist. That means that orthodontists have spent years studying nothing but how and why to move teeth. That education includes what to do, how to plan and how to execute the appropriate treatment plan for patients' unique cases.

The Difference Between a Dentist and an Orthodontist

Why seeing an orthodontist matters

If you're hoping to achieve a beautiful, straight forever smile that you can feel confident in, it's important that you see an orthodontist to help guide you on your journey. This is because the additional training that orthodontists undergo helps them develop the skills necessary to diagnose and treat more complex orthodontic cases. Dentists also receive basic orthodontic training which enables them to perform root canals, extract wisdom teeth and treat young children who do not need to see an orthodontist yet.

Expanded Treatment Options

Providing additional treatment options.

Efficient and Focused Care

Giving you more efficient treatment and visits, because it is the office's primary area of care.

Optimal Treatment Outcomes

Knowing that you'll receive the best possible outcome on your treatment plan, especially if you have severe bite problems that need to be addressed.

Expertise in Unique Cases

Personal experience treating multiple cases that share your unique concerns.

Quicker Appointments

Being seen more quickly, as a family dentist will be focused on longer patient cases or emergencies throughout the day.

Convenience vs. Specialization

You may think it's easier to have your orthodontic work completed by your dentist. Convenience shouldn't be a concern, because you will only be stopping by your Wheaton orthodontist's offices every six to eight weeks.

Take the First Step Toward Your Perfect Smile

Ready to take the first step toward a more confident, healthier smile? Dr. Razi and the team at Razi Orthodontics are committed to providing exceptional care tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're interested in traditional braces or exploring more discreet options, we invite you to contact us today to schedule your free consultation. Your journey to the perfect smile starts here.